Barefoot shoes such as vivobarefoot or shoes with a hard heel are preferred in sports such as powerlifting and Olympic lifting. But also used in crossfit and other strength sports. We always stock lifting shoes from adidas, but it may also happen that we have shoes from reebok, do-win, asics and other brands. Feel free to ask us for special requests!
Gym Shoes for Optimal Performance
The right pair of gym shoes can significantly enhance your performance and comfort during workouts. Whether you're into weightlifting, CrossFit, or general fitness, our range of gym shoes offers options tailored to your training style and needs.
Weightlifting Shoes for Stability and Power
Weightlifting shoes with a firm heel are ideal for strength sports like powerlifting and Olympic lifting. These shoes provide exceptional stability and allow you to maintain proper form during heavy lifts. We offer high-quality lifting shoes from Adidas, ensuring durability and performance for lifters at all levels.
Barefoot Shoes for Versatility
Barefoot shoes, such as Vivobarefoot, are a popular choice for those seeking a more natural training experience. These shoes promote better balance, mobility, and posture, making them a great option for CrossFit, functional training, and general strength workouts. Their lightweight design and flexibility provide a unique feel during exercises.
CrossFit and Multi-Sport Shoes
For athletes who need versatile footwear, CrossFit shoes and multi-sport trainers are an excellent choice. These shoes offer a balance of stability, flexibility, and grip, making them suitable for a variety of movements, from running and jumping to lifting and climbing.
Brands We Carry
In addition to Adidas, we occasionally stock gym shoes from other reputable brands such as Reebok, Do-Win, and Asics. If you have specific preferences or are looking for a particular model, feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll do our best to assist you.
Why Choose Our Gym Shoes?
All our gym shoes are selected with performance, durability, and style in mind. Whether you need lifting shoes for stability or barefoot shoes for mobility, our range ensures you’ll find the perfect pair to suit your workout needs.
Shop Online or Contact Us for Special Requests
Browse our selection of gym shoes online or contact us if you have specific requests. We’re happy to help you find the ideal footwear for your training goals. Step into better workouts with high-quality gym shoes from trusted brands!